Friday, October 8, 2010

Fence and Water

I am so greatful for this wonderful fall weather.  We are working on several things at once.  Duane is trying to get the beans done, but at the same time he is installing a new GPS system on a tractor before he plants wheat.  The GPS will help him steer in the fields and help me with my record keeping.  Research shows that a man planting with his naked eye misses about 8 acres of every 100.  When you consider we are planting close to 800 acres, you can see that that would add up fast. 

It will also be used when we are spreading manure in the fields.  Every farmer with animals tends to have more manure close to the barn and that can do more damage than good.  As they say, more isn't always better.  We are going to do grid soil sampling this year.  That's when they sample soil in a square pattern all over each field.  With our GPS we will be able to spread manure just where it is needed and not over saturate places that don't need it.

In the mean time, the kids and I are trying to get more fence up for the calves.  We have dreams of several small paddocks rather than pens.  We want our cows and calves to have more room to roam and grass to eat.  That also requires more water being piped out to them.

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