Saturday, December 17, 2011

some updates

I was just looking back at older posts and thought I would give some completion to some of the stories.

Back in July we were begging for rain and our corn was all curled up hiding from the sun. We did get rain, lots of rain, almost too much rain. The end result was a great harvest.

Another story I told then was about the old stray beagle, Hank, who came to join us. His story is not quite as happy. Hank was the best beagle I ever met. He was never on a chain or in a cage and he always stayed in our yard. Anyone who has ever known a beagle will tell you that that is unheard of.  Hank would come to me, most of the time, when I called; I admit I did this by always having a treat in my hand. This is still unusual for a beagle.  

I treated Hank for his heart worm, and he came down with a terrible fever that he had to see the doctors for. After an entire summer of endearing himself to us, Hank passed away. It turns out that he had a huge tumor in his abdomen. One morning he did not stand at the edge of the yard baying so I knew something was amiss. I returned from the farm to have the kids report something was wrong. I took him back to the vet where he passed quickly and peacefully. We gave him a loving home for his final days and he freely chose to spend his last days with us, and for that we are very honored.

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