We have a very competent young lady taking care of our calves, Emily. I offered her the job because I have known her for years and have great respect for the way she cares for animals.
Both my husband and father in law were sure I was making a big mistake. Truth be told, they just hate change of any sort. Once the calves had been there awhile and we had our end of the system figured out, both men decided that it was a good choice. The calves were all doing great under her care.
Then it all went south. The calves began getting the shooting diarrhea. Gross, and unhealthy. We did some research, spent lots of money. Poor Emily cleaned like no other. She again proved to be the best in her field, bleaching and cleaning, keeping each calf bucket for an individual, avoiding any cross contamination. Lots of work for her, and nothing changed, still the shooting pooh. Yuck!
I agreed to take the next sick calf into the college to be checked. Then I got the call at 9 pm on a Saturday that she had one ready to go- I didn't think of that when I agreed! So I called a friend to find out what the procedure was to get a vet there at night on a weekend. She gave me the information I had requested, but then added advice. She thought I should try a homeopathic vet she uses from Louisiana. Hey, it meant I did not have to go hook up the trailer in the freezing cold, haul a calf 40 miles and spend a fortune on yet another vet bill.
I ended up talking to Glen Dupree. He sent me after a little pill and some heath food store remedy. Less than $200 later and we have a very happy calf raise (Emily was tired of being poohed on) and healthy calves again. Thank you to Laura for the advice and Glen Dupree for the inexpensive fix that really does work.
If you are at all interested in the homeopathic remedies, here is a link to Glen Dupree. http://www.homeopathyfortheanimals.com/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=1&Itemid=131
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