Saturday, December 11, 2010

Raising a hard worker

We all have that family member that is good for nothing, some are closer and some are distant cousins.  So when my husband and I discussed having kids, he worried we might raise a non-worker.  So far as I can tell, I am keeping my promise to raise him a man that will work.

Glenn is 11 and has a better work ethic than most teens and lots of adults.  Will he keep it up?  Only time will tell, but if I have had anything to do with it thus far, it is a good sign he will continue. 

What do you think it takes to raise a worker?

So far I have stuck to what I thought it would take. 
1)  I make sure I tell everyone what a great worker he is, mostly Glenn himself.
2)  I lead by example, and so does his father.
3)  I give him fun jobs, like moving our big truck around in the driveway.
4)  I make it very clear that his father and myself have absolutely no respect for lazy people.
5)  I remind him that God declared that men will work for what they get, so it is His will.
6)  I kiss his cheek and tell him how proud we are of him.
7)  I remind him that every gift he gets from me is due to his own hard work, as well as his fathers hard work.

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