It all stars with my hard working husband Duane, his collection of silage wagons, and trusty old John Deere Chopper. I don't know how old this machine is, but it's at least 20 years old. Good thing he is such a good mechanic.
This year Duane went to the neighbors and helped him get his silage done, so he came and helped us. I love that sort of old fashioned sense of community. This is actually more than a neighbor, Bob and his son, Gene are related. Bob is married to Duane's cousin, Cindy.
Gene is in charge of bringing the silage back to the bagger and unloading it. Remember when all 17 year old kids could do a good days work like a real man. This new fangled idea that teens are in their glory years and lay around being waited on with money gifted to them is something I can not understand. Our son is indulged, but he works hard for that treatment. At 11 years old, he cares for all our animals (4 horses, 15 chickens, 4 dogs, and 3 cats), and does all our yard work (a 3 acre yard), in exchange he has a pool to cool off in, and a pony to jump, no allowance. Okay, enough about how young people should have to work.
Out of the wagon and into the bagger. The bagger packs the chopped corn and moves itself forward while releasing a little more bag to fill.
The end result is a bag 250 feet long, by 10 feet round that is full of chopped corn. The corn is sealed and will slowly ferment into a sweet smelling silage that cows love. I have never been brave enough to try it, but my husband always takes a taste so that he knows how his silage is doing. It does smell good.